Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Week # 7 - Fun, Fun, Fun!

Dogster.com - Wow! This is a great website. It allows you to find resources for your dog. All kinds of information, Pet services, healthcare stuff, you name it and it will be there. Check out some of the videos, too - they are hysterical!

As far as The Puzzle Player goes - this is awesome! Wild words was alot of fun! I think it can become addicting.

My all time favorite game is Sudoku, my little cousin taught me how to play this game and ever since then, I am hooked. REALLY hooked! At first, I thought that it was a strange game and couldn't get the hang of it but I kept at it and plugged away until it became almost spontaneous. Lastly, I have never played it electronically, but now I have no excuse. I am use to the old fashioned way, with a pencil and paper. I guess I can say I don't like changes, but this course has opened my eyes and I am enjoying the experience. Give it a try!

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